Website Manager

Eastside Little League - Rochester, New York

Responsibilities of Board Member Positions for Eastside Little League:

Ø President:

·      Conduct the affairs of the League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.

·      Present a report on the condition of the League at the Annual Meeting.

·      Communicate with the Board of Directors about such matters as deemed appropriate and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League.

·      Be responsible for the conduct of the League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to the League by that organization.

·      Designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for and in the name of the League such contracts and leases they may receive, and which have had prior approval of the Board.

·      lnvestigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the League and report thereon to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee as circumstances warrant.

·      Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof.

·      With the assistance of the Player Agent, examine the application and support proof-of-age documents of every player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for play


Ø Vice President:

·      Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he or she is authorized by the President or Board to so

act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office.

·      Perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.


Ø Secretary:

·      Be responsible for recording the activities of the League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.

·      Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

·      Maintain a list of Regular, Sustaining and Honorary Members, Directors and committee members and give notice of all meetings of the Local League, the Board of Directors and Committees.

·      Issue membership cards to Regular Members, if approved by the Board of Directors.

·      Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.

·      Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meetings and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.

·      Notify Members, Directors, Officers and committee members of their election or appointment.


Ø Treasurer:

·      Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

·      Receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.

·      Keep records for all the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the League, including the Auxiliary, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established by in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors. All disbursements by check must have dual signatures.


·      Prepare an annual budget, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting.

·      Prepare an annual financial report, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Membership and Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting, and to Little League International.


Ø Player Agent:

·      Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.

·      Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility.

·      Conduct the player evaluations, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings.

·      Prepare team rosters for the President's signature and submission to Little League International.

·      Notify Little League International of any subsequent player replacements or trades.

·      Administer the divisional player pool.


Ø Safety Officer:

·      Be responsible for creating awareness of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for children and all participants of Little League.

·      Develop and implement a Safety Plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting. NOTE: To implement a safety plan using educations, compliance and reporting, the following suggestions may be utilized by the Safety Officer:

1.    Education - Should facilitate meetings and distribute information among participants including players, managers, coaches, umpires, league officials, parents, guardians and other volunteers.

2.    Compliance - Should promote safety compliance leadership by increasing awareness of the safety opportunities that arise from these responsibilities.

3.    Reporting - Define a process to assure that incidents are recorded, information is sent to league, district and national offices, and follow up information on medical and other data is forwarded as available.


Ø Coaching Coordinator:

·      Represent coaches/managers in the operation of the League.

·      Present a coach/manager training budget to the Board of Directors.

·      Gain the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program.

·      Order and distribute training materials to players, coaches and managers.

·      Coordinate training clinics as necessary.


Ø Webmaster/League Information Officer:

·      Set up and manage the league's official web site (site authorized by Little League International).

·      Set up on-line registration and ensure the league rosters are uploaded to the Secretary.

·      Assign on-line administrative rights to other local volunteers.

·      Encourage creation of team web sites for managers, coaches and parents.

·      Ensure that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis.

·      Collect, post and distribute important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fund raising and sponsor activities to Little League Incorporated, the district, the public, league members and the media.


Ø Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager:

·      Solicit and secure local sponsorships to support league operations.

·      Collect and review sponsorship and fundraising opportunities.

·      Organize and implement approved league fundraising activities.

·      Coordinate participation in fundraising activities.

·      Maintain records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.


Ø Umpire Coordinator:

·      Assign umpire crew(s) for all Eastside home games requiring umpires.

·      Train Eastside and RHYBL players age 14 and up interested in working as umpires for Eastside and RHYBL games.

·      Develop a comprehensive umpire training program and conduct training clinics as needed.


Ø Concession Manager:

·      Maintain the operation of the concession’s facilities.

·      Organize the purchase of concession products and equipment.

·      Be responsible for the management of the concession sales at League events.

·      Schedule volunteers to work at the concession booth during league events.

·      Collect and review concessions related offers including coupons, discounts and bulk-purchasing opportunities.

·      Organize, tally and keep records of concessions sales and purchases, and report same to the Board of Directors.


Ø Equipment Manager:

·      Maintain inventory of equipment.

·      Purchase needed equipment/supplies for Eastside teams.

·      Prepare equipment bags for teams prior to the start of the season.

·      Stock field sheds with needed supplies (line chalk, diamond dry etc.).

·      Examine equipment inventory for the safety of players and discard any worn, defective or broken equipment.

·      Advise the Board of Directors of any needed equipment for funding appropriation.


Ø Volunteer Coordinator:

·      Coordinate solicitation of volunteers for League activities.

·      Identify a Volunteer Parent for each team.

·      Provide information to Legue community regarding Eastside events and the need for volunteers through information fliers and email (in conjunction with Webmaster/Info Officer).

·      Assist Concessions Manager in assigning volunteers from home teams to work the concessions stand.


Ø Special Events Coordinator:

·      Manage activities for Eastside Special Events (i.e., Opening and Closing days, Movie on the Mound night, League Night at Innovation Field etc.).

·      Liaison with Red Wings front office.



·      Provide information to Eastside community regarding special events through information fliers and email (in conjunction with Webmaster/Info Officer).


Ø Rochester Hispanic Youth Baseball League Liaison:

·      Represent RHYBL at all Eastside LL Board meetings and events.

·      Provide all necessary information regarding RHYBL players, coaches and events to the Eastside Board for compliance with Little League International rules and requirements.


Ø Division Commissioners:

·      Tee Ball/Rookie:


o   Participate at the walk-in registration sign up dates. Be on hand to answer questions of new league players and their parents. This is the first time in the league for many parents and they will have questions/concerns. It may also be the first time their child plays any organized sport.

o   One of your main goals is to recruit coaches/assistant coaches. (Walk-in dates will be the only time you will see parents face to face before the season so make a good first impression!) The best way to recruit: Once you see a parent who is interested in baseball and little league, ask them if they would be interested in HELPING to coach a team with other parents. Get their contact info and when/if you need coaches, call them. Most of them will not want to commit to being a head coach at first so just ask them if they would help out. Moms make good coaches too!

o   Be prepared to explain the online registration process. You will be getting phone calls and email inquiries as the weather gets warmer from interested parents and you can refer them to the website ( You will also want to have a supply of the information cards the league distributes. Many of their questions can be answered on those cards. (Some of our parents are not able to register online. Paper forms can be used, but online is preferable).

February & March

o   Answer phone calls/send out instructions for online registration.

Common questions:


1.    What nights are the games on? A) Usually 2 games a week (depending on the # of teams), one weeknight and Saturday mornings. Play starts on the first Saturday in May and goes on until the last Saturday in June.

2.    What days of the week do we play? (Parents often ask and will also have their child involved in other activities? A) It varies, some weekdays and Saturday.

3.    What times are the games? A) Start at 6:00 P.M. and done by 7:30 P.M. (weekdays). Saturday games are usually during the morning hours.

4.    What equipment do I need to get for my child? A) A glove and nothing else! Uniform shirts, hat and pants will be provided, and they can wear any kind of sneakers or non-metal cleats (cleats not required).

5.    Age qualifications? A) See Little League Age Calculator ( While LL allows some 4 year olds, inform parents of 4 year olds they are expected to stay with their kids during games or become a Coach or Assistant Coach. Parents also need to assess the maturity of their kids to be able to participate in an organized activity. If a 4 year old kid is a good athlete and the parent is willing to coach, they are welcome to play.

6.    Are there tryouts? A) No tryouts for Eastside kids: everyone plays and is assigned to a team.

7.    Can my child play on a team with their friends? A) Absolutely! Tee Ball is the only level that we allow kids to choose to play on a team with their friends and we encourage them to ask their classmates/neighbors to register as well. The more familiar faces they have on their team, the more fun it will be! (Every effort will be made to accommodate requests to keep kids with their friends, but stop short of guaranteeing accommodation. Sometimes the numbers will not allow it.)

o   Keep in touch with the Eastside secretary/registrar as to how many players have signed up. The numbers will start off slow but then increase quickly in March and April. (Most divisions stop registration at the end of March, but Tee Ball and Rookie remain open up to Opening Day as long as there is room on teams)


o   First week of April: you should receive the incoming registration data from our secretary/registrar and start to structure teams. By this time, you should have an idea how many kids will play and the number of teams to field. You will also need to submit the number of teams for the uniform order.

o   Start dividing the teams into groups (good to spread them out on a dining room table). Start off by making sure each team has a coach based on volunteer comments on their registration forms. Also separate based on

who wants to play with whom and who wants to be on the same team they were on the previous year. Another consideration is putting a new (younger) kid whose father will help the current “coach” – then when the coaches kid moves up, this father will be your next coach the following year.

o   By April 1st, start calling parents who offered to coach to remind them that you will have their name down as one of the coaches. Call the previous year’s coaches first to see if they will be coaching again. Some of them will be moving on if their child ages out of Tee Ball or Rookie.

o   All teams should be set by the second week of April. Limit teams to 8 players but 10 on a team is the absolute maximum to accommodate late registrants.

o   Create a game schedule by mid-April. The season starts on the first Saturday in May, no games on Fridays, Sundays, or Memorial Day weekend. Distribute the final schedule to our Website Coordinator, Concession Stand Manager, Volunteer Coordinator, and your coaches.

o   Contact the Equipment Coordinator to let them know how many team bags you will need.

o   Check the shed to be sure it has bases and tees. Sometimes these disappear in the off season.

o   Mid-April or right after the April school break you meet with your coaches. Provide any instructional materials and expectations of duties as an Eastside coach. Best to meet them at the fields so you can give them their equipment bag and keys to the sheds.

Coaches meeting:

o   Give them schedules and any other handouts including their copy of registration and medical forms. Suggest each coach create a binder for their teams to keep track of team information. Get LL Volunteer Forms and make sure coaches are aware ALL volunteers need to complete a Volunteer Form if they have contact with the kids.




o   Tell them they will need a parent volunteer to coordinate concessions volunteers. (Each home team is expected to provide a volunteer to assist with sales at the Concessions Stand.)

o   Determine a practice schedule. They should try to have at least one gathering for a practice before the first game. Usually, each coach chooses a weeknight that works for them. Coordinate field use with the Commissioner.

o   Discuss rain make ups. Have the coaches coordinate with each other when/if to make up a rained-out game. They can choose any date on the schedule that there is not a game, but they should check with the Commissioner first to be sure of field availability. If a game is cancelled coaches need to notify the Commissioner, opposing coach and Concessions Manager.

o   Have coaches exchange contact information (email, home #’s, cell #’s).

o   More players will continue to want to register right up until Opening Day. Place them on teams as needed. When all teams are full notify the webmaster and secretary/registrar that the division is closed.



o   Complete Williamsport rosters for each team and submit to President.

o   Picture Day is usually done on Opening Day. Coordinate with the secretary/registrar on the schedule for each team’s assigned time for pictures.

o   Get Bi-weekly status from coaches by email or phone conversations. Email or a visit to a game usually works best. Just check in with them to ask how things are going and answer any questions they may have.



o   Coordinate Closing Day with each coach. Give them game times and advise them of any special events for the day.

o   Ask each coach by Closing Day if they will be willing to coach again the following season. If their child is ageing out of Tee Ball, ask them the names of other parents who were great helpers for them this year. Those parents may coach that team the following season.

o   Collect each equipment bag while at Tryon right on the last day




·      Baseball Minors/Majors/Juniors/Seniors/Softball (all levels)

A League Commissioner is responsible for all aspects of play for their Division.  The Commissioner is the primary point of contact for Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Parents for their Division, and will be the arbiter of any disputes, disagreements or issues arising in their Division.  Decisions related to scheduling, interaction with other leagues, selection and assignment of Coaches and Assistant Coaches are at the sole discretion of the Commissioner.  All decisions and actions by the Commissioner shall be made in the best interest of Eastside Little League and the best interest of the children playing for Eastside Little League.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to:


o   Recruitment and selection of Coaches and Assistant Coaches for their Division.

o   Conduct a Coach’s Meeting prior to the start of the season for all Coaches and Assistant Coaches to explain expectations and requirements of Eastside Coaches.

o   Mentor, train, supervise and discipline Coaches and Assistant Coaches (Note: removal of a Coach or Assistant Coach requires a majority vote from the Board of Directors. Lesser punishment or sanction such as warning or suspension are at the discretion of the Commissioner).

o   Insuring compliance with Eastside and LL requirements for training and safety (i.e., completion of Board approved training programs and certifications and verification of completion of background checks as specified by LLI Regulations I (c) 8 and I (c) 9).

o   Organizing and managing Player Evaluations for their Division if needed.

o   Organize and manage Player Draft for teams in their Division if needed.

o   Manage scheduling of practices and games.

o   Be the point of contact with all Coaches in their Division and disseminate League information and expectations to Coaches and Assistant Coaches.

o   Assist the Treasurer in the collection of outstanding fees owed by league participants. This includes registration and second season fees and will require informing Coaches when a player is unable to play because financial arrangements have not been made (i.e., payment or an approved Scholarship).

o   Manage the maintenance and upkeep of assigned fields in conjunction with Volunteer Coordinator and Equipment Manager (i.e., ensure required equipment is accounted for and safe to use, Coaches and Parents are solicited


for volunteer work to maintain the facilities, equipment sheds are kept in an orderly fashion and properly secured, and dugouts and fields are policed after games).

o   Insure submission of team/player rosters to League Secretary prior to May 1

o   Manage selection of Second Season/All Star team participants according to Eastside selection process.

o   Issue appropriate keys to team coaches for equipment sheds at start of season.

o   Coordinate with Equipment Manager to provide complete equipment bags for each team.

o   Collect all keys and equipment bags from Coaches at the end of the season.

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